Wednesday, July 17, 2013

OMG - The Taste of Farmers Market

Last night, oy, my stomach is still rolling this morning.......I went to the Taste of Farmers Market in one of the oldest farmers markets in the country, Los Angeles. If you have never been there, it's filled with over 100 stalls of restaurants, bars, specialty shops, fruit stands, etc. You name it, it's there. Every nationality seems to be represented.

Last year, my son and I happened upon it quite by accident as I went to LA to see my back surgeon (he came to keep me company) and we decided to run around the Grove to wait out some traffic before our return home. We thought it an intriguing idea and decided that next summer we would attend......we are true to our off we went.

 They had 50 locations that you could visit. Everything was offered from watermelon juice to pork belly BLT sandwiches. The sandwiches you see on my son's plate above are probably the largest portions we saw all night, They were indeed small bites.

I found that after visiting about 13 stalls, I was done. I think the chicken pate did me in, I was avoiding bread up to that point but who can eat pate without bread? My son was not to be denied (or so he said) so he LITERALLY tried all 50 booths. It got to the point where he went with 1 bite just to make it count. I don't know where he puts it. Here's a rally picture when he was at about 30.

 We have a strategy for next year though: first read the offerings and go for the ones we really want right off the bat, after that we share, unless it's something that we really want. That way we get to try everything (the 1 bite theory). At one point, I think he was on number 41, a woman who checked off his card asked him if he had really eaten at all those places (she look astonished, as I said, this is not an easy feat to accomplish). He replied yes, and that not all of the places had checked off his card (which was true - we were keeping track on the map with full commentary/rating on how each item tasted).

This is a fun event and I would attend again. You really can not go with a group larger than 4 as it is a tight space and getting from one vendor to the other is not easy. A lot of people are doing this and there are regular diners there as well who are not doing the event. One man walked up to me and asked me what was going on (I explained all, and told him he could still buy a ticket at Gate 1), later, we saw him wondering around with his tag, plate and fork. It's one of those things that if you see it once, you think, yeah, that looks like fun.

Today though is a "fasting" day - hooray!

I know that this event does not aid towards my overall goal, and I'm not going to rationalize what to eat and what not. Life is about living and having experiences with the people you love and want to have around you. It's just eat, and the next day you pay for it!

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